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Every Monday from

5 pm - 6:30 pm

This forum will not only increase awareness and knowledge about the role of mental health in our current crisis but will assist us in Getting Through The Storm and Overcoming Life's Challenges. Our Mental Health Mondays will be an opportunity to be enCOURAGEd in the tough times; to acknowledge the emotional experience, strains/stressors, and mental health challenges; to discuss healthy coping and finding ways to thrive; to build community and know we are not alone in our unique experience; to check-in, vent, take a "mental health break", and/or share about what we are doing to cope; and to increase well-being and keep perspective.

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Salina Corral, PsyD

Life Focus Coaching and Consulting


Salina knows the importance of connection and compassion in our daily lives, especially in difficult times, life changes, and trials. She currently serves as Chair of Pasadena Mental Health Advisory Committee (PMHAC) and provides supportive coaching and counseling and encouragement at her private practice, Life Focus. As Salina works to increase awareness in the community and strives to humanize mental health and its relevance to every one of us, her focus is helping others overcome challenges, break cycles and heal, and to experience a higher sense of healthy management, confidence and peace, and well-being.


Shawn Herz, MSG, LMFT

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist


Shawn Herz holds a Masters of Science in Gerontology and Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, from the University of Southern California. Since 2013, she has been employed with Heritage Clinic, a comprehensive mental health agency that provides specialized clinical services and support for older adults and those who care for them. Shawn is in demand as a guest speaker throughout Los Angeles County and is a regular guest lecturer at USC’s School of Social Work. With over thirty years of experience, Shawn is recognized for her extensive knowledge, compassion, and expertise on aging, mental health, and caregiver issues. 

Looking for More?

Pasadena Mental Health Advisory Committee


PMHAC will be offering Mental Health Support and Encouragement in the Storm roundtable discussion/outreach sessions via Webex. These sessions would be our organization's effort to address the critical issues/needs of our growing COVID-19 crisis and offer support to the Pasadena community, our community partners and their clients.

Heritage Clinic 


Offers comprehensive and accessible mental health services for low-income adults, 50 and older, and/or their family caregivers, 21 and older, throughout the San Gabriel Valley, who may be experiencing a life transition, stress, anxiety, depression, loss or other mental health issues.

For more information, call (626) 577-8480, then press “0” and ask for Intake.  Please visit us online:

The opinions expressed on the Site and by Professionals contributing are published for educational and informational purposes only and are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.
Please consult a local physician or other health care professional for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.
The Site does not endorse or recommend any commercial products, medical treatments, pharmaceuticals, brand names, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and education of the viewing public, and the mention of any of the above on the Site does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by and Contributors.

Project Pasadena

The Resource Forum

Urgent Requests Please Call (626) 788-6943

©2020 by Project Pasadena, The Resource Forum

Created with love @jennipha

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