Mutual Aid: Community Resource Sharing & Support
Everyone has Something of Value to Offer, whether it's material resources, skilled service, or companionship; and Everyone Has Needs.
First: List What You Have to Offer Second: Accept Offers Third: Ask for What You Need if you don't see it listed
Suggestions for example... OFFER: Deliver Meals, Run Errands, Pet Sitting or Dog Walking, Bottled Water, Canned & Dry Goods, Hygiene Kits, TP, Diapers & Wipes, Tutor basic Math, English, Spanish, Sign Language... Used Clothes, Bicycle Maintenance, Vehicle Repairs, Yoga Classes, Art or Music Lessons, Sketches or Paintings, Closet/Room Organizing, Walking Buddy... etc. NEED: propane canisters for camping stoves, donations to PayPal or GoFundMe type fundraisers 💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥💗🔥 If You Wish to Aid in the Relief of Urgent Community Needs, then we welcome and appreciate you. If you're here because you're struggling to survive, and in need of community support, we welcome and appreciate you. We're here to help one another neighbor-to-neighbor, no red tape or applications, just give what you can and accept what you need. Make your exchanges as responsibly socially distant as possible, like in the open air & sun at a park. Use waves & air hugs over the impulse to physically hug. Thank You for Caring and Sharing *** FREE Offers Only *** $0 *** No Selling ***